Saturday, December 26, 2015

2015 Week 52

Oh my, how is it the last week of 2015.
I know that I say this every year,
and I know it makes me sound so old,
but HOW did it go so fast?

Christmas and the holidays were so amazing,
I think we had smiles on our faces the whole week.
And of course, the week was full of amazing food and friends.

Dinner this week:
Sunday - Scott and I have both been feeling run down. I think a hot and sour soup is needed.
Monday - The Broncos are playing tonight, so game food it is. Baked potato bar with a green salad.
Tuesday - Grilled cheese with homemade tomato soup and a green salad.
Wednesday - Rainbow peanut noodles with a fruit salad.
Thursday - New Year's Eve! We're planning on a fun night in with take out Pho and ice cream sundaes with sparkler candles.
Friday - Happy New Year! Hoppin' Johns with cornbread and honey.
Saturday - Here's to homemade pizza with lots of veggies and tucking in for a family movie.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

2015 Week 48

These two are such sweet friends.

It's a really fun week around here.
Filled with girls' nights, and trains with Santa, and a sweet boy's birthday party.

Dinners this week:
Sunday - Leftover soup and bread.
Monday - Spaghetti with a salad and fruit.
Tuesday - Breakfast for dinner! Eggs, potatoes, fruit and waffles.
Wednesday - Santa train time! With dinner after in Idaho Springs.
Thursday - Holiday happy hour with dear friends.
Friday - Homemade pizza and a movie night.
Saturday - An easy dinner after a little guy's birthday party!

Have a great week!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

2015 Week 47

This is a fun time of year, with lots of memories to be made.
 This is the face of someone who just spotted a fire truck in our town's parade of lights.
 Our tree is up!
Nevermind that I made Scott move the whole thing to a different spot AFTER we decorated it!
Craft time!
Borax snowflakes in the making.

Dinners this week:
Sunday - Lasagna leftovers.
Monday - Grilled salmon with sautéed spinach and quinoa, served with fruit on the side.
Tuesday - Stir fry over kale with fruit on the side.
Wednesday - Curried carrot soup with a green salad and fresh bread.
Thursday - Mushroom stroganoff with a green salad and fruit.
Friday - Homemade pizza and a movie night.
Saturday - It's our neighborhood holiday party!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

2015 Week 46

The kids had an early release day yesterday and we spent the afternoon at the movies!
We saw the Peanuts movie and it was so so cute. 
I highly recommend it to anyone with small kids.
All three of mine were highly entertained and everyone left with smiles on their faces.

Dinners this week:
Sunday - Chili and cornbread.
Monday - Baked salmon with polenta and roasted brussels sprouts.
Tuesday - Chicken thighs with veggies in the slow cooker.
Wednesday - Spaghetti with fresh bread and pineapple.
Thursday - Homemade mac and cheese, sauteed kale, and pineapple.
Friday - Dinner with friends after the parade of lights in our little town.
Saturday - Homemade pizza night.