Monday, October 19, 2009

Post 1!

I am part of a new American vegetarian family.  To me this means that while I'm mostly vegetarian (I do eat some fish) and the main cook in our family, my husband eats meat and our son will try just about anything.  Of course I wanted our son to be a veg like myself, but he's so open to trying new things now, that I suppose we should take advantage of it.

Logistically speaking, since I'm the one who cooks, I'm usually making vegetarian dinners.  On occasion, if it's easy, we'll have a 2nd protein for my husband.  If we're grilling, he can grill meat, etc.  

This is a place for me to share my ideas for dinner and for others to do the same.  Each week I'll post what I'll be making for dinner (mostly veg) and I hope that you will too.  Use the comment section to tell me and our followers what you're making, share recipes and we can all make this enormous task of nightly dinner easier for families like ours!

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